CSIT Association of Nepal – Purwanchal to host Workshop on Python And Django

CSIT Association of Nepal – Purwanchal is hosting a workshop on Python and Django. The event will last for 2 days, starting on the 1st of June. The primary and only speaker of the event is Shital Babu Luitel, who is also a web developer and has 2 years of excellence regarding these topics.

Here are the main topics for the 2-day event:

1st day
– Installing Python and other related technologies
– Basic knowledge of Python and other similar technologies
– Making a working prototype

2nd day
– Web Development using Django framework of Python

Date and Time: 1st and 2nd June 2019 (10:00 AM – 04:00 PM)
Venue: Sushma Godawari College
Register for the event here. [ Note: Rs 200 will be charged for the registration per participant ]
For more info, contact: 9811064536 (Suman Babu Luitel)
Supported by Developer Community Biratnagar (DCBRT) and Sushma Godawari College
Media Partner: Tech Patro

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