Extra 13% tax increased on Internet and Phone usage.

ISP and Telecom

The Internet has become one of the basic needs of people. Almost more than 54% of the world population uses the internet.

But according to the source, Nepal’s internet and phone call bills have been increased 13% by the month of Shrawan. In this internet-based world, increasing the internet charge is not only a terrible idea but also a disrespect to the global entrepreneurs, scientists, and inventors whom every day make an active effort to bring this miracle of human capability to everyone.

The act of increasing the charges has just showing like we are going back to the old days where internet facilities used to be so difficult to find. The Internet is only the effective way to progress more in our future and keeps us connected to the world. But the government of Nepal itself making our country backward by this activity. Talking about other countries, the internet is being more cheaper, more accessible and inclusive to their people, here we are increasing taxes on the thing which is the most human necessity.

However, this is the age of IoT( Internet of Things), the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics. Hence we are raising the taxes that is responsible to connect with IoT. This doesn’t only affect mass but also harm the economic development of the nation.

Seems like the government of Nepal is converting in constitutional bluff master these days. The tax based economy is focusing on their profit rather than developing the entrepreneur’s ecosystem to promote job creator.

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