Global Azure Boot Camp 2019 to be held in Kathmandu

global azure boot camp kathmandu

Global Azure Bootcamp is a camp which gathered all the peoples of the world to share essential Azure skills and ideas which is going to be held on April 27, 2019. The Global Azure Bootcamp is a free community-based event focused on Azure. This event is organized to educate and engage the members of the technical community. Global Azure Bootcamp is based upon the expertise of local Azure IT professionals, developers, and solutions architects who come together to share their real-world experiences, lessons learned best practices and general knowledge with other like‐minded individuals.
It is one of the significant events which is going to organized in our country Nepal. The organizer of the event are Nepal Cloud Professionals, WinServer Community, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
and supported by Softwarica College of IT & E-Commerce, RevDebug, Microsoft, CloudMonix, Enzo, Progate, Kemp, SkillMe Up, JetBrains, Serverless 360.

Date: April 27, 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 11:00am-5:00pm (Refreshments will be served)
Venue: Seminar Hall, Softwarica College of IT & E-commerce (Block C), Dillibazar Road, Kathmandu
Contact No(s): +977-9851211122
Organizer(s): Nepal Cloud Professionals, WinServer Community, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Supporter(s): Softwarica College of IT & E-Commerce, RevDebug, Microsoft, CloudMonix, Enzo, Progate, Kemp, Skille Up, JetBrains, Serverless 360, CloudMonix
Event Registration:
Social Hashtag: #GABCNepal, #GlobalAzure

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