Google Merges Android Pay and Google Wallet Into Google Pay

Previously Google has started Android Pay and Google Pay For online shopping. Android Pay is a digital wallet platform developed by Google to power in-app and tap-to-pay purchases on mobile devices. It let the users make payments with Android phones, tablets or watches. For the transmission of card information facilitating funds, Android Pay uses near field communication  (NFC). The service lets Android devices wirelessly communicate with a point of sale systems using a near field communication (NFC) antenna.

Google Wallet is a peer-to-peer payments service developed by Google. It allows people to send and receive money from a mobile device or desktop computer. It costs no money to either sender or receiver. With Google Wallet, it’s fast, free, and easy to send and receive money. The app is available for Android devices running Android 4.0 and above, and for iOS devices running iOS 7.0 and above.

Now Google has step-up to its features and merges both Android Pay and Google Pay into single payment platform. It is not other than Google Pay. Google pay has all the features of these two such as requesting and sending money.
It has two tabs in its interface called Home and Cards. You can use its service not only in store but also in online payment.
The best is you should not enter or scan your cards for different shopping and other apps.  It is so because the information you provide and sav to the Google pay, it will be saved on your device. So whenever make purchases from the Google Chrome browser you just simply touch the button on your phone.
This new platform of Google is similar to Apple Pay and Samsung Pay platforms. Google is planning to do something big with Google pay. According to Google, this service will be valid for all Google products, including Chrome and Assistant.
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