Nepal’s angular conference on July 21st, 2018

“Angular is a frame of javascript that creates the web apps so that it will be more comfortable and more fun to run the browser”

The AspNet community is partnering with ng-Global and ng-India for the first time in Nepal in association with Nepal mentor. In order to host an Angular conference on this July 21st, 2018, on the venue Hotel Yellow pagoda at Kantipath. It aims to discover new approaches for designing on the internet. For this event following things can be seen:

1. Angular best practices: A lot of people use angular order to develop applications on the web. This conference is organized to discuss best practices and methods of angular.
2. SPA performance: SPA means single page application. It only requires a single HTML page to be completed.
3. Angular forms and communication: It helps in two or more component share information.
4. DI and API: DI stands for dependency injection and API stands for application programming interface. These allow the creation of data.
5. Angular directives: It extends HTML with new attributes called guidelines. It provides functionality to the application.

6. Server-side rendering and Angular Material design: Deliberating about the server-side rendering and angular material design will be also done by the experts. “They will have a range of Quality Sessions that are very valuable for Software Developers, Project Managers, CTO, CIO, CEO, and Startup & Tech Enthusiast,” said the organizers.

The speakers for the event will be as following:

Shiva Prasad Koirala
He is the Co-founder of Brainoorja Creations and a corporate trainer imparting knowledge on Node JS, Angular, ionic2, and Bot framework plus he is the originator of which is an E-Learning program for .NET developers.

See also  WordCamp Kathmandu 2019

Dhananjay Kumar
he is the developer of Evangelist for Infragistics. he has become eight times Microsoft MVP and a well-respected developer advocate in the country India. He is the founder of Nine Hundred Plus Blog Posts and has hosted 60 free workshops on various topics like JavaScript, Angular, WCF, ASP.NET MVC, C#, Azure, etc.

Pankaj Parker
He is the senior software engineer at TSS consultancy. He was awarded Microsoft MVP award for twice.

Jinal Shah
He is the Co-founder of Brainoorja Creations and a corporate trainer imparting knowledge on various cutting-edge technologies, such as – Node JS, Angular, ionic2, and Bot framework. The lists of some of the renowned web applications are :
The Guardian
iStock Photo

Local Organizers (Nepal):
1. ASPNET community: it is a user group of .NET from all around the world, and some active members from Nepal.
2. Mentor Nepal: it is individual Development organization formed by HR and tech professionals in 2018. The organization targets those universities for learning and development through training, Development, and Mentorship.

Ticket price for Early birds will be around Rs 1500 (Last Date 10 July 2018) and the regular ticket price will be around Rs 2000 (Last Date 15 July 2018).


Date of the event: July 21th,2018


Time: 10 AM – 6 PM