As COVID-19 crises extend to rise crosswise the globe, and governments take drastic steps to tackle the outbreak, it is having an immense impact on every part of the public and private sector, industry, and the economy. In order to demonstrate the challenges across the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors, IT Officer’s Team has lanced a webinar to hear from key voices across the sectors. The event is Co-organized by Education Technology Nepal.
In this webinar, you will listen from:
- Lokraj Sharma, Director DOIT
- Sunil Kumar KC, Computer Officer, MOFAGA
- Reg Bdr. Bhandari, ODEP
- Amit Agrawal, CEO, Khalti
- Manoj Bhattarai, Smart Palika
- Nagesh Badu, e-Gov, Specialist, PLGSP (Moderator)
When is the event?
Day: Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Time: 1 PM – 3 PM
Broadcast Partner: Cellapp Innovations, Smart Palika, Sparrow SMS, Khalti, TechPatro (You can watch live video on these platforms.)