YouTube vs Tiktok: Why Tiktok’s rating has dwindled from 4.6 to 2.0?

Youtube vs Tiktok

YouTube vs Tiktok is trending more than Coronavirus these days. It has been seen as a civil war in India. In every social media platform, you can only see YouTube vs Tiktok related content rising.

Why Tiktok’s rating has dwindled from 4.6 to 2.0?

In India, Tiktok is very much shunned due to its serious content in the past periods. On the other hand, it is one of the most downloaded apps in India and of course globally. A few weeks ago, an Indian YouTuber made a rost video of a Tiktoker, based on which, a Tiktoker (Aamir Siddiqui) stated that TikToker’s are better than YouTubers, which sparked the debate of “YouTube vs Tiktok” – a very popular Indian Youtuber CarryMinati published a roast video, that eventually broke several records on YouTube (in India) and globally as a non-music video, but the video was taken down by the platform as a large number of Tiktok supporters began reporting the video saying the video was anti-social. Siddiqui also mentioned in his video stating, “all TikTokers should come to YouTube and eliminate YouTubers from there as well.” Soon, the internet has been flooded with posts against Tiktok to finally ban it in India. TikTok, the Chinese app has also been a factor that has sparked debate these days globally. Many popular YouTubers who also happened to be on TikTok have removed their Tiktok accounts and are acting as catalysts for this downfall. A high number of memes are being made about this debate and it has taken over the internet in the last few days and so you can expect a rating drop further.


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Some famous celebrities of India like Shaktimaan and Guru Randhawa including famous YouTuber’s have all come in support of CarryMinati.

The video went viral and hence it became a breeding ground site for memers. The video was taken down from YouTube websites owing to the content violation and Ajay Negar a.k.a CarryMinati has created another video asking his fans to temporarily stop misusing the uploaded video stream via their benefit. Ajay got disturbing while still talking about the video. Another alleged TikTok influencer Faizal Siddiqui has come under the police suspicion for one of his videos claiming he is deliberately promoting an acid attack on women by creating a disturbing scene.

Why TikTok’s is flooded with a one-star rating?

So that the Carryminati’s fans got angry and their anger got quite serious. Although the video did not come back. Thus, they started to shift their anger on Chinese app Tiktok, by going to the Google Play store, giving them a one-star rating. Since the rating of Chinese app Tiktok has been down and still continuing to decrease. Every day its rating has been malfunctioning. Let me tell you first its rating was 4.6 (before the incident), and now it’s 2.0.

Many people reported Tiktok to show their anger. Moreover with this, twitter is in trend with, #JusticeForCarry, #BanTikTok, #BringBackCarryMinatiYoutubeVideo and #BanTikTokinIndia in the last few days.

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