An Interaction Webinar on Data Breach Rise in Nepal

Recent data breaches in Nepal creates panic among companies and consumers. Various data leaks from Foodmandu to Vianet Communication leaking almost two lakh thirty thousand data online on GitHub and Dark Web combined. Consumers started raising the question about their data; however, laws and act regarding data privacy, data breach, cybercrime, etc. are not explicit to consumers due to lack of awareness that it is directing them toward dissatisfaction.

Additionally, these days we see a severe cyber threat from anonymous criminals through a twitter.

Hither, Information Security Response Team Nepal (NPCERT) and Center for Cyber Security and Research Innovation (CSRI) are mutually organizing a webinar on ‘An Interaction on Data Breach Rise in Nepal’ in association with Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Nepal Chapter and Pentester Nepal Community.

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The webinar is going to be organized on 16th April from 2 PM to 3 PM via Zoom.

Cyber Security Professors, Cyber Security Entrepreneurs, Cyber Security Experts, Policymakers, Government and Non-government Officials, etc. will be discussing on the scheduled Webinar. The slogan of the event is kept, “If you suspect it, report it.”

Speakers of Webinar, “Data Breach Rise in Nepal.”

  • Naresh Lamgade, Founder of Cynical Technology
  • Nabin KC, OWASP Chapter Leader for Nepal
  • Subha Kayastha, Cofounder of Boday and Data
  • Vivek Shumser Rana, Consultant of InfoAssure

The event will be moderated by Chiranjibi Adhikari, Executive Director of One Cover Private Limited.

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The main topics of discussion will be:

  • What is a personal data breach?
  • What types of events could be a personal data breach?
  • How do I report a personal data breach?
  • Why is reporting a personal data breach important?
  • What happens if I send personal data to the wrong recipient?

All the organizers and Supporters are actively working for cybersecurity in Nepal. The Webinar is being organized to discuss the ways to minimize data breaches in Nepal.

Supporters of the Event: Data Breach Rise in Nepal

  1. Open Web Application Security Project
  2. One Cover Private Limited
  3. Cynical Technologies
  4. ICT Byte
  5. ICT Frame
  6. Pentester Nepal
  7. TechPatro

People interested in Cyber Security can register for the Webinar for free. The registration process will be posted on the Facebook Page of the ICT Frame also TechPatro. So, keep visiting the Facebook Page for more information.

Facebook Event Link:

Also Read: NRB bans advertising on social media and the internet in Nepal | TechPatro


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