NTA Domain Policy

NTA domain policy

The NTA has established robust guidelines for managing its primary domain and associated subdomains as part of its IT Policy, 2080. These policies are designed to enhance the security and governance of its web-based infrastructure, ensuring that all digital resources align with organizational objectives.

NTA’s primary domain is nta.gov.np, which serves as the foundation for its official website and email services. The policies surrounding this domain include rules for subdomain creation, SSL certificate management, and record-keeping to maintain accountability and streamline operations.

Primary Domain Usage

NTA’s primary domain, nta.gov.np, is central to its digital identity. It is utilized across the organization for:

  • Official Website: This is the primary platform for disseminating information to the public and stakeholders.
  • Email Services: Ensuring consistency and professionalism in official communication.

The policy emphasizes that all official websites and emails must operate under this primary domain, reinforcing a unified organizational presence online.

Subdomain Management Policies

Subdomains are crucial in facilitating various web applications and specific email services under the primary domain. NTA has implemented the following rules for managing subdomains:

Approval Process

  • Any new subdomain requires formal approval from the Chairman of NTA.
  • Existing subdomains in use before this policy are deemed approved retroactively.

Record Maintenance

  • The IT Division maintains a detailed record of all subdomains, including handover details.
  • These records are kept as per the format outlined in Annex 2 of the policy.
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Wildcard SSL Certificate

  • NTA manages a single wildcard SSL certificate for the primary domain and all its subdomains.
  • The IT Division ensures the SSL certificate is obtained from a trusted authority and distributed to relevant divisions or sections.

By centralizing subdomain approval and management, NTA enhances transparency, accountability, and security across its digital platforms.

Security Measures for Domains and Subdomains

NTA’s policy incorporates stringent security measures to protect its digital assets. A wildcard SSL certificate ensures secure communication between users and servers. This approach safeguards sensitive information by encrypting data transmissions across the primary domain and subdomains.

The policy also mandates that the IT Division actively maintain the records of subdomain usage and SSL certifications, ensuring no gaps in the organization’s security framework.

Operational Aspects of Subdomain Management

NTA’s subdomain policy is designed to ensure seamless operations across its various divisions and sections. The organization eliminates ambiguity and promotes efficient use of its digital resources by standardizing the approval and record-keeping processes. Here are the key operational aspects:

Handover Procedures

  • The IT Division maintains a detailed record of subdomains, including purpose, the responsible department, and handover details.
  • These records are critical for ensuring that subdomains align with organizational goals and prevent unauthorized activities.

Role of the IT Division

  • The IT Division plays a central role in managing subdomains and SSL certificates.
  • Responsibilities include ensuring policy compliance, updating records, and distributing SSL certificates to relevant divisions.

Approval Workflow

  • New subdomains can only be created with prior approval from the Chairman, ensuring a centralized decision-making process.
  • Subdomains created before this policy’s implementation are retroactively approved, ensuring uniformity across the organization’s digital infrastructure.
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SSL Certificate Management

The policy mandates using a single wildcard SSL certificate for the primary domain and all subdomains. This approach simplifies certificate management while ensuring robust security measures. Key points include:

Trusted Certification Authority

  • The SSL certificate must be obtained from a trusted certification authority to ensure credibility and security.

Distribution and Usage

  • The IT Division distributes the SSL certificate to all concerned divisions and sections.
  • Proper certificate implementation protects the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted across NTA’s digital platforms.

Centralized Oversight

  • The IT Division maintains a centralized oversight mechanism, ensuring that all subdomains and SSL certificates are up-to-date and compliant with the policy.

Implications of the Domain Management Policy

NTA’s domain and subdomain management policy has significant implications for the organization’s digital strategy:

  • Enhanced Security: The policy ensures that sensitive information is safeguarded against cyber threats by mandating SSL certification and rigorous subdomain management.
  • Streamlined Governance: Centralized approval and record-keeping processes streamline the governance of digital resources, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or misuse.
  • Unified Online Identity: Using a single primary domain across all digital assets reinforces NTA’s unified identity and promotes professionalism in its online presence.

Building a Secure and Transparent Framework

The domain and subdomain policies establish a secure and transparent framework for managing NTA’s digital assets. By adhering to these guidelines, the organization ensures its web infrastructure operates efficiently while maintaining high standards of security and accountability.

Source: Information Technology Policy of NTA, 2080 (2023)


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