Sabko Phone: A Company For Reincarnation of Old Phone in Nepal


People believe that one person cannot change the world. This type of situation is mostly seen in Nepal and left the people to worried about growing consumerism.  At the same time,  Shubu Tewari and Uttam Kaphle were involved in the development sector with an aim for bringing changes to the sustainability of business sense.

They both studied models about the circular economy which would be helpful in the context of Nepal Busines. After their huge research on the mobile phone market and customer behavior, they launch their company named “Sabko Phone“.  In this way, the company established in April 2019.

Sabko Phone Pvt Ltd


Sabko Phone Pvt Ltd is a private company at Lalitpur. It is established with an aim for creating the old phones to new or which means recycling the phones. They collect second-hand phones, repair it with high-quality parts and convert it into the new phones. They also offer express and warranty insured repairs. Because of its take-back policy, people are showing their interest in phones from Sabko Phone.

Every year, more than 6 million phones are imported to Nepal whose total aggerated cost is around Rs 24billion. It’s really huge, isn’t it? This is the main reason, Shubu Tewari and Uttam Kaphle want to repair the old phones and sell them with effective price along with the take-back policy. This will decrease the import of cell phones in Nepal and control the country’s economy.

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Day by day the technology is changing and so do the mobile. As per the survey, most of the Nepalese upgrade their phones every 15 months- 2 years. Around 40% of those phones are kept on the house which is not used anymore.

How Sabko Phone Work?

SabKo Phone buy several phones from the people and repair them. They offer phone repairing services within three days and renovating old phones in a week. The company has prices for 300 models on its database, so if you want it, you can simply its website or store.

The company has two technicians who work to do an amazing job for renovation for old phones. With this great change in mobile devices, it is seen that other materials like gold, cobalt, and other hazardous in e-waste can be mined and sold. This will brings decrement to contaminated landfill sites.

Mr. Tewari says,” We might not be able to change everything, but we want to at least try to mitigate the problem. The fewer new smartphones brought on to the market, the lighter the economic and ecological burden.”


Sabko Nepal is not only a repairing company, but it also brings an outstanding renovation for the old phones and makes them the same as the new one. After repairing, they sell their phones in a Nepali paper box.

We hope other people also join the company for creating non-waste ventures in the electronics sector so help the economic sector of our country.


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