techWebinar series-21 on Angular session on Sunday 13, 2020

techwebinar series 21 angular

Topic: The Microfrontend Revolution: Using Webpack 5 Module Federation with Angular

Manfred Steyer


The implementation of micro frontends has so far been anything but easy. Since common frameworks and build tools didn’t even know this idea, you had to dig into the tricks bag. Module Federation offered by Webpack 5 initiates a crucial change of direction here. It allows you to load separately compiled applications at runtime and to share.

Manfred Steyer is a trainer, consultant, and author with a focus on modern Web- and Service-Architectures based on. NET and Angular. He writes for O’Reilly, Hanser Presss, windows. developer as well as Heise Developer and is a member of the Expert-Network IT-Visions.

Topic – Simplifying Services and Dependency Injection in Angular

Dhananjay Kumar


Dependency Injection is one of the most famous architecture patterns to create a scalable application that has loosely coupled entities such as classes. Application made using the DI pattern is highly loosely coupled, and any part such as the business logic layer of application can be replaced at the run time without affecting the presentation layer. By design Angular framework supports dependency injection. It enables you to inject dependencies such as services without writing your own DI container or refereeing to any third-party libraries. 

You create a service in Angular to share data and operations between components, directives, etc. Mainly services are used to achieve separation of concerns and reusability. You keep operations such as API calls, logging, client-side data manipulations, etc. in a service. One of the significant purposes of creating a service is to keep component clean that focuses on user interaction and presentations.

So, if you create an object of services directly inside a component, then components and services are tightly coupled, and so Angular by design avoids that.

In this deep dive talk, you will learn about DI in Angular. This talk will cover in detail the various level of Providers and Injectors. You will learn,

1. How to create a tree-shakeable singleton service

2. Inject a service in lazy-loaded modules

3. Various providers such as

       – useClass

       – useExisting

       – useFactory

       – useValue

4. What are the best practices to work with Injector hierarchy etc.

This talk is a live coding talk with no PPT. The biggest take away from the talk would be, how to use Angular inbuilt DI to create better performant Angular application.

Dhananjay Kumar is a consultant and well-known trainer with around 750 Hrs of experience of teaching Angular and overall approximately 2000 Hrs to students from various backgrounds. Dhananjay’s clientele includes but is not limited to Aristocrat, NRI, Bethel, Times Now, Accenture, Acheron, AIS, and, etc. Dhananjay is a prolific tech writer with around 1000 articles in his credit, an exemplary speaker with about 75 talks, and author of the best-selling book, Angular Essentials. For his contributions to the developer community, he is awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award 11 times and recognized as a Developer Expert in Angular by Google. Dhananjay is also the founder of geek97, which enables developers to be job-ready, and organizes India’s Largest Angular Conference, ng-India. Dhananjay is known for his unique way of teaching, in which he solely relies on writing code with visualization to explain a certain topic. As of now he is teaching and doing consulting on JavaScript, Angular Azure, NodeJS, dotnetcore, microservices #tdd, etc.

Topic: Angular Libs + Monorepos

Nishu Goel


Building Angular libraries inside an NX workspace, understanding shared libraries, publishing your library to npm.

Nishu Goel, Engineer@TheDataworks, Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert in Angular and Web technologies.

Connect @ Sunday 13, September 2020 @ 6:00 PM NPT via

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