Tootle is one of the most reliable ride-hailing app and of course initial services that are accessible to the people within the Kathmandu valley. It is an outstanding way to get a ride of a valley and the best part is, it is also cost-effective. You have to pay the merest cost when compared with the taxi.

Previously, Tootle was providing its services from 8 AM to 8 PM. But, soon they are offering 24 hours of service. Yes, you heard right, now you can get tootle ride anytime anywhere in the Kathmandu valley with an insignificant cost.
Tootle is doing excellently till now and we believe it will do great with its 24 hours of assistance. They are announcing it loud and clear, “Kathmandu get ready to move 24 hours with Tootle”.
You can download the Tootle App from here.
To get more detail about tootle, you can visit the given link.