Quantum Hack is all set for today having Steve Wozniak as Chief Guest | Are you excited….?

Quantum Hack Steve Wozniak

Quantum Hack, the first digital fair and the largest international digital hackathon in Nepal is going to require place on August 28th (Yesterday) and August 29th, 2020 (Today). It is sorted out by NxtGen under the membership of Devfolio, the most significant and quickest developing network of manufacturers in India.

The event added charm to the hackathon by announcing Steve Wozniak as the special chief guest in the event along with exciting many big names.

It is a 24-hour global event hosting participants from more than 25 countries. This huge occasion will contain 60 groups framed by 240 members from wherever the planet. The members will manufacture advancements and applications that battle the in vogue issues in

(I) Education

(II) Health and Urban population management

(III) Disaster Management and Preparedness

(IV) Fintech

(V) Entertainment

(VI) Open

The main competition are supplemented by various workshops, games, and fun sessions. Some of the events during the hackathon are:

(i) Technical and non-technical workshops

(ii) Online Scavenger Hunt

(iii) Awareness Programmes

(iv) Selfie Dances

(v) Quiz Competitions

(vi) Meditation and Relaxation

(vii) One to One matchmaking sessions

(viii) Singing

(ix) League Games (PUBG, Chess, Ludo)

Hackathon Event details:

Hackathon Infographics: Link 

You can join the event through the Zoom link below. 

Link: https://nren.zoom.us/j/69990562417?pwd=VnlhTlFnd1dZUnhkV1pqMUtleEZLUT09

Meeting ID: 699 9056 2417

Passcode: NREN

The team has prepared ics calendar file. Import it to your calendar software and get notified before the start of the event here. Join the discord server as well:  https://discord.gg/2rWkwz4.

See also  "Girls In Tech" Campaign Successfully Launched In Province 2 on Feb 5

(*Event may extend up to 7 PM for the Winner announcement and closing.)



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