Cellapp Innovations to Host Live Discussion on COVID-19 Experiences, Tips, Issues & Opportunities

Cellapp Innovations Live Discussion

We all are hoping to end this pandemic darkness soon. We are yet to face how the economic landscape will change. What is going to be the economic consequences for startups and particularly with small economic countries like us Nepal? How can innovation and solidarity we are seeing function a motivation to manoeuvre faster?

About Event

The event will be a live discussion hosted by Cellapp Innovations and Co-Host SmartPalika – स्मार्ट बन्दैछ नेपाल. It will centre toward talks about the COVID-19 lockdown situation, on how the companies are engaging themselves and solutions they found to fight against the virus, including how happy they are and about their current status.

Additionally, the event will have remarkable interesting discussions related to startups, ideas, and tips for startup teams who are finding it hard to survive or who are prompt to create an environment for themselves. The event will also have a QnA session with the participants.

Who will be joining this event?

Ms Surakshya Panta (Nepali Actress)

Mr Manoj Bhattarai (CEO, Cellapp Innovations)

Mr Bibash Mahat (Campaign Director, Cellapp Innovations) and Cellapp Innovations team.


Time: 6 PM, May 22

Live Event Link: https://meet.cellapp.co/covidexperience

Facebook Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/586469265585597/

The live streaming of this event will also be shared on TechPatro Facebook Page, SmartPalika Facebook page, and Surakshya Panta Official Facebook Page as well.

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