Opera 50 Beta Version with Cryptocurrency Mining Blocker

Opera 50 Beta Version with Cryptocurrency Mining Blocker

If you are an Opera browser developer then you have a good news from being annoyed by the cryptocurrency mining capabilities of certain websites that drain the life out of the CPUs. The Norwegian browser developer firm, Opera, has introduced Opera 50 beta version. Opera 50 beta version is the first popular browser to come with cryptocurrency mining blocker.
The feature offers a new defense against the rise of cryptojacking or browser-based cryptocurrency miners. Cryptocurrency miners use a site visitor’s CPU without gaining the owner’s consent.Crooks are increasingly hiding JavaScript miners on compromised websites. Some have taken to expand sneaky pop-under windows to continue using a CPU even after the victim has left the site. Groups using fake tech support scams have started integrating JavaScript miners into their fake security-warning browser lock screens.
Opera said, “Your CPU suddenly working at 100 percent capacity, the fan is going crazy for seemingly no reason and your battery quickly depleting might all be signs that someone is using your computer to mine for the cryptocurrency.”
Opera has always been a feature-full browser. The new Beta version is amazing as it integrated anti-bitcoin mining capability. It can block mining of other cryptocurrencies including Ethereum and Litecoin. This can be termed as a step forward in safeguarding the privacy of users and protection of computers.

Opera too said,”After we recently updated the rules for our built-in ad-blocker mechanism, we eliminated cryptocurrency mining scripts that overuse your device’s computing ability. Simple enable Opera’s ad-blocker to prevent cryptocurrency mining sites from doing their dirty work on your computer.”
The feature is dubbed as NoCoin. NoCoin is a perfect title that matches the browser’s capabilities. Users can easily enable or disable the feature. They can use Settings>Basic>Block ads to enable it and check the Recommended option for the list of ad filters.

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