5 Ideals of High Lead Generating Website | TechPatro

How to get leads
Image Source: Waewkidja from Freepik.com

When a company is moving from an offline market to an online market, it is essential to know and understand the fundamentals of website design and optimization. A great combination of both can help any business to explore business and generate more leads. Though, it isn’t an easy task to generate leads.

It is observed that sometimes, companies focus on one factor and forget other hot prospects like usability, mobile design, SEO, copywriting, and conversion. Here we will discuss the most powerful lead generation characteristics of a website:


A website is a tool from which the person can get answers to all their queries. These can be clicking on navigational links, zooming-in on product images to get details, or filling inquiry forms. If the website is highly responsible, the easy to use help the buyer for more shopping in the least time. Here is a list of high usability features that online business website must have:

  • Responsive Web Design includes, the web design must be adjustable in every size screen. Users need not bother whether he will use a mobile, tablet, or other multimedia device to explore the website.
  • Website speed: using slow websites means users have to wait for a long time for page loading. Which is not possible to hold users for a long time when they have multiple buying options on the internet.
  • Upgrade header: For higher user engagement and faster information about products and services, it is essential to add an up-to-date header. You can also check out this blog post to give a more attractive appeal to your website.
  • Images loading speed: High image loading speed means less bounce rate and high conversion rate.
  • Avoid White space: White space on the website is really annoying. It can demotivate users to shop or take services from the website.

Mobile Design

Nowadays, no one wants to stick with computers when they have smartphones. Therefore, mobile internet covers a wider range of markets than any other gadget. Before buying or taking services, people want to get all first-hand knowledge from their phones, and most of the time, they buy when they like. Therefore, it becomes a need of an hour for businesses to be available on mobile and create mobile responsive websites to track leads, schedule appointments, and book reservations. Keep in mind, your mobile design website must have:

  • High site speed: A High-speed site design reduces loading website images and text time. It must have an easy to scroll option, rather than loading every image.
  • Call to action: Navigation keys make buying easier. By clicking on certain links users can order the product or go through services.
  • Phone display: The site must be optimized as per the user’s mobile screen. It helps in convincing the buyer on behalf of the seller by visualizing relevant products and services.
  • Anchor text: It is important to provide link anchor text, especially on the body. It helps the users to navigate properly and creates a rapidly growing base for users.
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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is an important component of every internet marketing business. Because every day, people search on Google billions of queries and it produces results based on keyword insertion and SEO performance. So, if the company wants to handle high generation leads, it must focus on certain online and offline SEO parameters:

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Online and Offline SEO

To generate leads, the website must have:

  • Title Tags, Meta Description, content Header, Body content on every page
  • Clean and customized URL structure
  • Keyword research and implementation
  • Sitemaps in HTML and XML
  • A content management system
  • Writing Blogs and share on own and other websites


Copywriting is a technique that builds users’ interest and confidence in a website. It also helps the visitor to know more about your website and convert it into leads generation. But, if the copywriter is unable to convey a proper message, it will be hard for a business to get relevant traffic and lead conversion. Here, we have key components of copywriting:

  1. Content must be relevant to the target audience and fulfil their needs.
  2. Content must be in storytelling form that can help the companies stimulate decision-making.
  3. Every content must be carefully read before publishing on the website.
  4. It must be shared in an effective manner.

Writing style

  • Every content must contain a header, subheader to make content clear and in understandable manners.
  • Bullets and numbers help in reading
  • Short paragraphs look attractive and classy
  • Image captions and width line is important
  • Keyword insertion and style consistency is important
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Conversion Optimization

Conversion optimization is an important component of website designing and copywriting to attract most visitors to the landing page. Even, if the website has all the above components does not mean it has the tendency to generate leads. For that webinar must add relevant features in websites, such as

  • Call to Action

Using call to action buttons helps the users to navigate through your page. So, it must not be stuck to a particular place like the bottom or at the head but should be insight where the visitor can easily communicate via call or message. Always remember to keep the significant and impactful color of the call to action button.

  • Phone Number Placement

The phone number on the top of the website always helps the user to communicate with the web owner, in case any issue arises. Generally, it lies in the upper right position of the navigation bar. The clear the contact number, then it will be better to inquire and lead generation.

  • Inquiry Form Design and Functionality

Always work on the inquiry form. The Shorter the form, the better it will be for the business. Because users like to fill in fewer details in a short time.

Bottom Line

In the era of technology, websites are a great way to interact with the target audience and capture more attention. Today, everyone checks websites and then buy products. Therefore, it is essential for the web owner to work on the above mentioned important website parameters for effective leads generation and conversion.

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